Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hi, Everyone!

Caitlin and I are both very sorry we haven't done a better job of updating the blog lately! Since we returned home from our week vacation in Mendoza, we have started classes. We will both be taking a class on globalization from the Latin American perspective, Latin American Nobel prize winners, International Cooperation for cultural development, and a Spanish class. We have been so incredibly thankful because we now know that we will definitely be getting 12 hours of credit for these classes at home. God is constantly reassuring us that we are exactly where we need to be. It has been really good to attend class the last couple of weeks and see who will be in each of our classes, and getting to know those people better. It looks like we will have great opportunities to study and hang out socially with other international students who we see in class regularly. We were also able to get all of our classes on only three days out of the week, so we will be able to volunteer out at Crecer con Amor two afternoons each week. That was exactly what we were praying for!

We are also continuing to meet on Friday afternoons with two women from the church who invited us to join their 'celular'. The structure is very similar to what we would call a discipleship group or Bible study group at home. We pray together and Everlides shares something with us that God has been teaching her, and we talk about it. This is one of those times when we really have to flex our Spanish muscles because they really don't speak any English. Something we would really appreciate for you to be praying for us is that our Spanish would continue to improve, and specifically that we would be able to absorb the sermons on Sundays, what we talk about in our small group, and what the teachers tell us in class. This week, we have decided to speak only Spanish to eachother as well to try to get more practice with our speaking.

In our free time we continue to explore the city trying to find new things, absorb more of the culture, and get a better feel for how people live in Buenos Aires. We've done dinners out in different neighborhoods, some Salsa classes at a great local place, hanging out in parks(they have great parks all over the city) and drinking mate, and this next week we're making plans to go out with some of the Argentine students we've met at UCA.

Oh, and apparently the cow farmers have gone on strike, so we have about 6 bags of milk(did I mention that milk is in bags here) in our freezer, and dehydrated milk in our pantry. We'll let you know how this one turns out.

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