Thursday, May 1, 2008

where to begin?...

It’s been a while…a long while. April has flown by and a lot has happened…so this post might end up as just a bunch of bullet points…I dunno.

We are becoming more Argentine all the time. I have fallen into the skinny jeans and converse fad and Darrah is rockin’ the cute scarf and Argentine hair clip. I might get a mullet before I come home, so brace yourselves.

We’ve also ventured out into the Argentine nightlife…which is insane. I remain mystified by the Argentines’ amazing party endurance; I’m pooped and ready to go to bed by 2:00. Their schedule is something like this: 10:00 dinner, 1:00 drinks at a bar, 4:00 hit the club. We have now officially survived two nights of this madness and I think we’re in for more…

Other fun times…
• Seeing the Olympic torch pass by our university
• The farmers are burning fields somewhere. We haven’t been able to get a straight answer from anyone as to why they are burning the fields, but there have been many days in the past month when I’ve checked and it has listed the forecast as 75 degrees and smoke.
• We’ve finally taken all the touristy photos at the Casa Rosada and Plaza de Mayo. You can view all our photos at:
• More mate dates with our friend Lexi
• We found a store called Jumbo that is about as close as we’re going to get to Wal-Mart without finding the real deal.
• Oh so random…we met Austin Scarlett from Project Runway in a tango restaurant. He was very nice…asked us what we were doing here, etc. and let us take a photo with him.
• Someone legitimately called us “Ché”. For those not familiar with this term, it is what Argentines use to greet each other. Example: “What’s up Ché? How are you?” We were really excited.

The Lord continues to be SO good to us. He has provided some awesome opportunities for us to continue to get to know the people at our church. Or cellular group is going well (we got two new members this month!) and we had a wonderful time getting to know people last weekend at a church retreat. It’s been so cool for us to see the Lord at work in and through this body of believers. They are incredibly unified and God is doing big things. Two weeks ago the church had its first meeting for the new church plant in the center of the city. They are starting out with just prayer meetings and trying to spread the word, but we are hoping that they will begin to have actual services soon. It is SO exciting to be here to witness everything that’s going on. We are truly fortunate.

We’re off to the Iguazú waterfalls this weekend so maybe (if we’re so motivated) y'all will get another blog post when we return.

Love y’all!


cheryl said...

Does Austin wear skinny jeans? Just wondering.....
Thanks for posting, girls. You have made this mama happy.

Katie said...

A NEW POST! YESSSSSS! p.s. that guy in your picture scares me. I don't care if he's on tv or not! yikes! haha love you BOTH!

Elisa Rose said...

YAY for funness in Argentina!