Monday, March 3, 2008

"attack the wave"

so...i'm sitting in a hostel in mendoza, argentina right now trying to type quickly because i'm only allowed 15 minutes on the computer. i don't have nearly enough time to go into detail on all the things i want to tell y'all...

as darrah said earlier, we have this week off before school starts next tuesday. so saturday night we packed our bags and boarded an over-night bus to mendoza (the wine country of argentina that rests at the foot of the andes mountains).

we arrived yesterday and were immediately sucked in to going hang gliding. if you're not familiar with this activity, it's basically where you strap and parachute and an experienced hang glider to your back and run off the side of a mountain. you get about 25 minutes of flying time; which, over the andes, is incredible.

today we went white-water rafting which i highly recommend as a mode of transportation in viewing the andes. we had a super-crazy guide named marcos whose primary instruction to us was "attack the wave" (hence, the title of this post).

i wish i could type more but i have to go.

love y'all!


cheryl said...

Post lots of photos! I want to see EVERYTHING! So glad you have this opportunity to travel before classes start. Have a great week!
I put a package in the mail this afternoon...Keller's new book, snacks, laundry hamper, etc.
Now, take good care of each other this week! XO!

Elisa Rose said...


Unknown said...

wow- sounds amazing!! Love y'all!

Katie said...

Oh my gosh! I thought your first sentence said, "I'm sitting in a hospital..." and I FREAKED OUT for about 5 seconds before I realized I had read it wrong. WHEW!

When I read you guys went flippin hang gliding, my hands went straight up into the air and I said, "YEESSS!" That is SO AWESOME I'm jealous! :) It's Ok; you can just take me hang gliding when you get back. thanks. I love you both and I'll be sending more letter soon! I'm sorry you ran out!