Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dia de San Valentin

Boogie+Darla 4 ever

We had a lovely date out to dinner. Caitlin is an expensive date: she had the filet out boys! We've decided we're learning a lot about marriage: we kind of already felt like we knew everything about eachother before we got here, and yet, we still haven't run out of things to talk about. This may not seem remarkable to y'all, but we still haven't made any friends down here that we hang out with, and we are literally together 24/7. For me it has been a success thus far! Although Caitlin might tell you different...I tend to be the one with more potential to be annoying. Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day!


cheryl said... this man with his hand slid around my daughter's waist her first new friend? Caitlin??!! And stay away from those tango dancers, too!

Caitlin Cornwell said...

he was a creepy, accordion-playing, molester clown...yet we paid a peso to take a photo with him...