Sunday, February 17, 2008


We found the church! Praise God! He led us right to it and we were pretty much on time...It is called La Mission and it is a church planted by an Argentine from Redeemer, Tim Keller's church in NYC. It is in a neighborhood called Flores that is still in a poorer part of the city. We walked up to doors wide open with singing to be heard from the streets and friendly faces to greet us with a kiss upon walking in. They sent us up to the balcony, as the lower level was full, where we joined in on the worship. The whole service was very similar to what we have at our churches back home, only in spanish. At the end of the service we were called to pray with those around us(or so we assume as that's what everyone started doing) and a woman and her husband came to pray with us. The woman prayed mostly, and while I didn't understand everything, I felt the Spirit in her lifting up my spirit as she prayed for us, su hermanas(her sisters). As I looked around and saw and heard believers embracing and lifting up theri prayers to God in another language on another continent I was overcome by a spirit of joy and power in faith in a God who holds the world in His hands, and each of us therein.

After the service we were greeted by some members, in particular Beti and her sister who are around our age and want to hang out with us and introduce us to the other members our age!

Caitlin and I were moved b/c one can be confident in Argentina that those who claim to be evangelical Christians are absolutely true to what they profess b/c chances are none of them were born into that. They've all taken a risk and a trusting step towards what God has called them to, and we could feel the power,joy and unity in that common quality just being in the presence of this body. We can't wait to go back and get further involved!


cheryl said...

Hey girls! So glad you finally found the church this morning! Sounds like you were meant to be there! That's just great! Here's a video clip of the minister taken from the Redeemer website:

I'll send Keller's new book in your next package. Love you both!

The Riddle's said...

Aww, Sweet! What a blessing.