Saturday, February 9, 2008

sorry, dad, it's me again...

when i called home this morning, my father informed me that i should turn over all blogging privileges to darrah. she is funny. i am not. so i will try to make this quick and not put you to sleep.

thursday and friday of this week we began our volunteer work at Crecer Con Amor. it's a day care program for infants-elementary schoolers that's on the outskirts of the city. it's a working class neighborhood...and very poor. but Crecer Con Amor has managed to become an oasis in the midst of the trash, mangy dogs, and horse-drawn carts. it's a fairly small facility with five classrooms (they're building more) and a small courtyard/patio. the kids are wonderful. darrah and i are so excited about this opportunity. we're praying that the Lord will allow us to build relationships with the kids and the staff and to share the gospel with them.

we've hit the one week mark, and already the Lord has been so good to us. thank you for your prayers.



Elisa Rose said...

I checked out their website... it looks like it would be such a blessing to be able to work there!

cheryl said...

Sallie and I think you are hilarious. Don't listen to your Dad.

Unknown said...

You are funny, really. And, when you are not, it is my fault because I am definitely not funny. I mean, not at all. It is hard to be funny when your Daddy isn't. I bet Darrah's Daddy is funny. In any case, always listen to your Daddy.

Katie said...

cornbyaah, girrrrllll please-- you know you make me laugh! I love both of you! Open your next letter tomorrow! Si jeni shume bukur edhe te dua! (You are both very beautiful and I love you! least, that's what I'm trying to say...who knows if my Albanian grammar is correct.haha)

Unknown said...

Hi... ahh i miss you guys. I think about you ALL the time. the place you are working sounds amazing!

ps. this blog is amazing, i feel like i totally know whats going on with you all, which I love of course.

I am praying for you!!

Becca said...

Caitlin you are funny because your aunt is remember that!I countinue to pray..please be careful!

Unknown said...

Yay! I'm praying for Crecer con amor and your opportunities there! That sounds so fun! I love you and we really missed you in d-group today Caitlin!

samuelcornwell said...

hi caitlin,
we just wanted to see if we did this right. you know us older people are a little slow with the
nana & grandaddy

Unknown said...

caitlin, when things get tough
remember Rom. 5:3-5
Love & kisses,

katuschka rakovec said...

can i just say, i just figured out i can post comments and for some reason that really excites me. i am loving the blog! i always thought blogs were sketch because i didn't know what they were but i'm loving this. i think/pray about/for y'all everyday. eu ti amo voces muito! translation in my sucky portuguese grammar: i love y'all both very much! and i'm glad brasilian girls saved the day. they're the best type of girls in the world:)

cheryl said...

We have missed hearing from you!