Friday, February 1, 2008

We're here!

Hey y'all,

Just wanted for everyone to know that we arrived safe and sound. We had a bit of an airport adventure, though...

We were supposed to leave Atlanta yesterday evening to make a connecting flight in Houston...however, all flights to Houston were being delayed, and since we were only supposed to have an hour layover in Houston, it was going to be virtually impossible for us to make our flight to Buenos Aires. BUT THE LORD IS GOOD! The nice folks at continental in Atlanta switched us to a non-stop flight from Atlanta to Buenos Aires! It really could not have been more perfect.

We have met the women we will be living with...a sweet older woman named Amalia and a 23-year-old law student named Eugenia. They are both very friendly and seem happy to have us there.

Well, that's about all for now...we're both exhausted and ready for a shower. Please pray for rest and for us not to be intimidated by the big city. We are both so excited to be here, but there is that initial bit of homesickness in a new place.

Love y'all! Thank you so much for your prayers!!



Unknown said...

So glad you arrived safely. Yes! Take a shower and a nap! Love you both!

cheryl said...

OK, so I am not very savvy with this blogging stuff. Who the heck is a.l.?? IT'S YOUR MOTHER, BOOG! Now I am officially signed up. Same advice follows....get clean, take a nap, and find something good to eat for supper! Let the adventure begin!
Hug to you both!

Unknown said...

I am impressed that the blog is up and you have two posts already. I can't wait to talk and get your first impressions and hear you say how much you miss your Daddy.

Unknown said...

we are so glad you all made it. sleep tight and we love you and are praying for you!
-smash and kathy

Unknown said...

So glad to hear you have gotten there safely!!!! Can wait to hear more about your trip =] Love you caitlin!

Unknown said...

Caitlin, I am so jealous!! We are praying for you. I am so glad we can be a part of this adventure of yours. Love You!


Becca said...

I didn't know what to do at first so I went in under Madeleine. I think I have it now.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad to hear you two are safe and sound. I miss you both so much already!! love you